Travel is important, it is a great way to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge. It’s also a great opportunity to explore new cultures and traditions. Travel is also good for your health.

Travel insurance and health insurance are very important however, many people have made the mistake of thinking travel health insurance, also known as travel medical insurance, isn’t necessary.

After all, what are the odds of experiencing a health issue while overseas? But according to Consumer Reports, 15 percent of travelers encounter a medical problem on their trips.

It is necessary to understand your health insurance policy, Many travelers mistakenly think that their health insurance works everywhere, but this is often not the case. Not purchasing travel health insurance is a bad idea because if you have an accident while traveling, you could lose the entire value of your trip, not to mention the costly emergency medical expenses. If you suffer a serious health problem while abroad, the cost of evacuation could even bankrupt you.

Quick Tips:

– Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers all planned activities.

– Check at least eight weeks before departure to see what vaccinations are required for your trip.

– Carry enough medication for your stay and extra in case of delays.

– If you are traveling within the EU, renew or apply for a European Health Insurance Card.

– Find out about the specific health risks of the country you are visiting.

Travel Insurance:

We do not cover emergency medical repatriation, repatriation of remains or expenses resulting from a personal emergency abroad. If you purchase an appropriate travel insurance policy, these expenses will be covered as long as you have not violated the terms and conditions.

Buying comprehensive travel insurance can save you and your family a lot of money in the event of an emergency. It will also help you get the medical care you need when you need it. Hospital bills can quickly add up to thousands of dollars and a medical evacuation can be counterproductive.

Not all policies are the same and the cheapest one is not necessarily free. Make sure your policy covers all the activities you intend to do during your trip.

Before you leave, make sure you have your insurance company’s contact information, including emergency assistance, and keep it handy in case you need it while abroad.

Emergency Expenses:

The insurance must cover the following:

– Any medical treatment abroad, including ambulance evacuation or other emergency measures, and all other expenses related to an unexpectedly long stay.

– The entire trip, from departure to return. If you travel more than once a year, consider annual multi-trip insurance.

– 24-hour emergency service and assistance.

– Liability insurance (in case you are sued for personal injury or property damage).

– Lost and stolen property.

– Trip cancellation and interruption.

– Any additional activities you intend to do that are excluded from standard policies (for example, water sports such as jet skiing or other extreme sports).

Exclusions: You should be aware that most insurance policies do not cover incidents involving alcohol or drugs.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC):

As a European citizen, you have the right to receive health care through the public system of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland if you become ill or injured during your temporary stay. Be sure to obtain or renew your European Health Insurance Card before you leave, and remember to have one for each person traveling with you.

EHIC is not a substitute for proper travel insurance from a reputable insurer. It does not cover medical repatriation, ongoing medical treatment, or non-emergency care. In addition, some private hospitals do not accept the EHIC, so check with the hospital administrator beforehand.


At least eight weeks before your departure, ask your doctor what vaccinations you need for your trip.
Proof of vaccination (in the form of a certificate) may be required for entry into some countries.


Be sure to pack enough medication for the entire trip and for any unexpected delays. Carry copies of your prescriptions in case you lose your medication or are asked at a point of entry (airport, port, land border, etc.) to prove that you are taking certain medications.

Remember that not all over-the-counter medications available in your country are legal in other countries, and do your research before you leave. If you are not sure what medications you can take, check with the embassy or consulate of the country you are planning to visit.

Waterborne Diseases:

Waterborne diseases such as cholera and dysentery are common in some countries. Consult a health professional before traveling to assess precautions, follow local best practices, and use bottled water or boil water if necessary.

Mosquito-borne diseases:

If you are traveling to a destination where mosquitoes are a problem, you should take precautions against mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Ask your doctor for advice on taking anti-malarial medication before you travel.

These simple tips can greatly reduce your risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases:

1- Ask locals when mosquitoes are most likely to bite.

2- Avoid places where mosquitoes are likely to congregate (e.g. stagnant water).

3- Wear appropriate clothing: a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, boots, and socks.

4 – Bedroom protection: Mosquito bites can be reduced with air conditioning, screens, etc.

5 – Bed protection: Use screens and mosquito netting if bedrooms are not adequately protected or air-conditioned.

6 – Use insect repellents.


HIV is transmitted from one person to another through the direct exchange of body fluids. The best way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections is to limit physical contact by practicing safe sex and not sharing needles.

If you believe you have been exposed, seek medical attention immediately. It is sometimes possible to stop the development of HIV within 72 hours of exposure. This is called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). PEP entails taking anti-HIV medications for four weeks. The effectiveness of PEP is not guaranteed, and the drugs used cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches.

You may also be interested to know: why you should get health insurance.

Travel Insurance
Yestobetop Team

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